6 Tips of writing a catchy subject line - Deliver messages with eye-catching subject line now

 How to write effective subject lines for email marketing? 

A compelling headline is as important as a sender name. They are the first and second field which the recipients experience before opening the message. 64% of email users open an email based on the subject line. An impressive subject title can enhance open rate and click rate by explaining why the recipients should read your email.

1. 2S&2C: Keep the subject line short & simple and clear & concise
  • The length of email subject line can affect both open rate and click rate. A concise subject line can catch email users’ attention easily.  

2. Keep the subject line relevant & consistent with the email content

  • Give readers what you mention on subject line. Irrelevant or deceiving subject line may ruin your reputation and thus reduce open rate of your emails.

3. Include urgency

  • Sense of urgency boosts open rate effectively. Let your subject line convey urgency and urge email users to open your emails. Yet, do not be too pressing. Over exaggeration can let your readers down.

4. Engage your subscribers by personalizing subject line

  • Email users tend to open emails with personalized subject. Personalized subject line can drive 26% higher open rate.

5. Identify your brand on subject line

  • Remind email users of your brand. Let email users get familiar with your brand as this helps to raise open rate of your email.

6. Use 1-2 unicode symbols to catch subscribers’ attention

  • Few symbols can easily grad email users’ attention


Example A:

[UFOSend] ➓ Tips to be Smart Email Marketers

This subject line which only contains 37 characters enables subscribers to understand the email message in a glimpse. It also grows brand awareness by identifying the brand. A special symbol also helps to grab readers' attention.


Example B: 

$first name$, here is ➓ Tips to be Smart Email Marketers from UFOSend

By personalizing the subject line, open rate is further increased.

So, how to write subject lines? The golden rule must be trying and testing as you never know what your audience’s taste is before you start an email campaign. Don't forget to align the subject line with the email content. Let’s share the subject line you have used before.



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