Reengage inactive subscribers now

Your message has gotten into your customers' Inbox. Congratulations! You've tackled one of the great difficulties of electronic marketing. There's just one hurdle. How do you stay in that Inbox, and increase your chances of getting read?

The first step is to regularly separate inactive subscribers from your email list. TBC Corporation is one of the successful case whose delivery rate of eDM campaign increases by almost 40% by removing inactive email users. Since many email providers score your sender reputation based on users’ engagement, removing invalid users can help raise your score and improve your messages' chances of reaching an Inbox. For instance, how to reach the primary inbox in Gmail? The answer is to boost recipients’ engagement rate. Gmail will determine how your email goes depending on engagement level. 

But why don’t some of your subscribers open or click your emails? There are few questions you have to ask. First, are you sending eDM to them regularly? Is the email to frequent or too few? Then, are you sure you reach their inboxes or SPAM folders? If your emails fall into SPAM folders, then low engagement is a reasonable result. Moreover, inactive subscribers may just want to get one-time offer. If your emails are not valuable and relevant to them, they will simply ignore your emails.

So, how to reengage those inactive subscribers? Don’t resend same content to them or you will annoy them. Alternatively, reengagement campaign can be sent to inactive email users after you find out that they are not engaged with your campaign for at least 3 months. Here are 3 ideas on creating reengagement campaign.

 1. Subject line 

The subject line becomes more and more important to drive open rate of engagement eDM. It should be attractive enough to captivate email users. Try to convey value in subject line in order to encourage users to open your emails. Here is an example: “Come back and get 30% off”. Incentive could also be provided to reengage users.

 2. Call-to-action 

There is one possibility that you fail to track users’ activities: users do not download images or click any links on eDM. So, improvement of call-to-action buttons can be made to drive users’ engagement. Try to use a copy which is asking for response. For instance, “Tell us if you still want to hear from us”, or “Let us know if you don’t want to hear from us”. You may give up if they still don’t give you response.

 3. Survey 

It’s good to conduct survey to collect feedback from email users. Of course, incentives are recommended to be offered. The first survey you can conduct is to ask them to update their interests, say, what fields they are interested in. The information collected will be very useful for preparing relevant email content. Then, you may conduct survey on their opinions against your products or services. Analysis can be done here to find out what are relevant to the users so that you can prepare more engaging emails to boost customers’ loyalty.
If those inactive subscribers are not engaged after 1 year, I am sorry to ask you to give up them. If you get no response from users for whole year, this may because the users don’t use the email addresses anymore. So, reengagement campaign helps you identify invalid emails without losing potential leads. Furthermore, performance of reengagement email is quite good which open rate increases by 38% and click rate increases by 210%.Spam complaints also drop 90% while unsubscription decreases by 95%.
Don’t wait and take action to reengage your subscribers. It will get more difficult to reengage when time passes.