UFOSend Database Management

Turn Raw Data into Insightful Business Intelligence

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Intelligence Database Management

Focus on multiple market segments at once

Create a single managed list or as many mailing lists as you need. Our management system filters lists by preference, demographic or webographic, to easily help you build targeted campaigns.

Find your targets to maximise campaigns

Discover valuable segments within your subscribers based on general criteria like age and income, then focus the search with psychographic info like shopping trends. Use this in-depth analysis to deliver targeted campaigns to upcoming focus groups.

Comprehensive reporting and analysis

Gain complete insight into your membership via detailed statistics on referrals, registrations and more. Geographic data and growth rate breakdowns are available at a glance to aid future campaign planning.

Fast electronic validation for faster turnover

Maintaining your database is a snap with automated validation for user emails and mobile devices. Identify invalid and duplicate data quickly with minimal hassle.

Customised subscription channels widen your reach

Access the full breadth of your subscriber base through their favourite channels. From web forms, iPad apps to text message invitations, we have the tools to help your base find you.

Automated mail management saves time and resources

Take the work out of managing your subscriber database with UFOsend's automated system. We'll handles all unsubscribes, bounces and report spam for you.