Blog: Sep 2014

Leverage social proof to grow email subscribers

A. Get my 30% discount Now >> B. 24,830 shoppers have got 30% discounts >> Which one will you click? According to the Wall Street Journal, most of the people will choose the one which is selected by the crowd. This is the power of social proof. Option B, with the number of shoppers who have got the discounts, has utilized the social power. Social proof is the most persuasive information driving people to make any decisions. So, how can it help improve your email marketing?


A. 立即取得 30% 折扣 >> B. 24,830 顧客已經取得 30% 折扣 >> 你會點撃哪一個選項呢? 根據 the Wall Street Journal,大部份人會選擇多數人選取的選項,這就是社會認同數據的力量,提及取得優惠的顧客數目的選項 B 正正是利用了社會認同的效應。社會認同是最有說服力的資訊,能推動人作出決定。它是如何幫助你改善電郵推廣呢?

4 ways to drive customers’ engagement in email marketing

According to 2014 Email Marketing Industry Census (Econsultancy), email marketing is the best channel to grow ROI. 68% of marketers assess email marketing as a good and even excellent marketing tool. Econsultancy also points out that there is 28% increase in revenue generated from email marketing.

4 個推動顧客參與電郵推廣的方法

根據 2014 Email Marketing Industry Census (Econsultancy),電郵推廣是提升投資回報率 (ROI) 的最佳渠道。68% 的市場推廣員評價電郵推廣為良好甚至是極佳的市場推廣工具,Econsultancy 亦指出電郵推廣所產生的利潤增加了 28%。

Here are 5 types of eDM boosting customers’ loyalty

As a marketer, you must want to boost customers’ loyalty, isn’t it? Over 45% of marketers regard email marketing as the tool of increasing customers’ loyalty. Moreover, eDM which is used for improving customers’ loyalty also drives higher engagement rate, i.e. email open rate and click rate. So, what types of content should you put in the eDM?

5 種提高顧客忠誠度的電郵

作為一個市場推廣員,你一定希望提升顧客忠誠度,是嗎? 超過 45% 的市場推廣員視電郵推廣為提升顧客忠誠度的工具。再者,用作改善顧客忠誠度的電郵往往能推動更高的參與度,例如電郵開啟率及點擊率。那你應該在電郵中包括什麼類別的內容呢?